Our Pastor

Pastor Alberto Melo

Since 1987 Pastor Alberto has been responding to God’s call to missions wherever God sends him. He received his Bachelor of Theology & his Licentiate in Religious Education from Seminário Teológico Evangélico do Nordeste in Recife, Brazil and his Master of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.

Before marriage, Alberto served in Recife, Brazil and Amsterdam, Netherlands as a missionary pastor.

Pastor Alberto, together with his wife Ilga, and children Heidi &Patrick served 11 years as missionaries in Lithuania and Slovakia with the IMB. In Europe, God gave the Melos the wonderful opportunity to share the love of Christ and help to start churches among Lithuanians, Slovaks, and Roma (gypsies). In 2015, the Melos retired early from ministry in Europe and returned to Roanoke, Virginia. They moved to New Richmond, Wisconsin in 2018 where Pastor Alberto served with Converge St. Croix churches and Great Lakes Converge to work with the Latino community. In March of 2024, Iglesia El Camino officially became a church where Pastor Alberto now serves.

Our History

• In 2013, led by Stu Dix, outreach began within the Latino community in Baldwin, Wisconsin.

• In 2018, Pastor Alberto was called to establish this group as church.

• From 2018 to 2023, this small group developed into a congregation with the support of local Converge churches.

• In 2024, Iglesia El Camino registered as a church.


Are all your services in Spanish? Our services are in Spanish and often translated into English for non-Spanish speakers.


Our family is multi-cultural. Is there a place for my non-Latino spouse?

Our family is multi-cultural. Neither of us are Latino but feel more comfortable worshipping with you. Is that ok?

Our family is mono-cultural/mainstream American but we’d like to support & worship with you. Is that ok?

I am Latino but not Hispanic or Hispanic but not Latino/I’m from Brazil, Haiti, Suriname, Spain… Is there a place for me at your church?

Whether mono-cultural, multi-cultural, Latino, Hispanic, or not, we seek to provide a place of worship where families and individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds can worship together. Since most of our congregation are Spanish speaking, our services are primarily in Spanish.


We Believe…

…in one eternal God in 3 persons, the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit.

…mankind is separated from God by sin, that each person has sinned. The price of this sin is eternal death.

…that the Holy Spirit seals the believer in covenant promise. The Holy Sprit guides, equips, comforts, and empowers the believer and the church.

…that the Holy Bible is inspired by God and given to men for exhortation, instruction, comfort, correction, guidance, and admonition. It is perfect, effective, and trustworthy.

…Jesus Christ, without sin & born of a virgin, died on the cross and rose again to pay the price for man’s sin. He is God. Salvation is found in Christ alone and offered to everyone. Everyone who comes to Christ for forgiveness of sins, believes in Christ, and accepts His gift is saved and will spend eternity with Him in heaven.

…that God has gifted each believer to minister in community with the Body of Christ, the Church. It is also the responsibility of each believer to share the gospel of salvation in Christ with all ethnicities.

…that God created the world and created man in His image. As His creation, each person is valuable and unique. Men and women were created to worship and fellowship with God who is worthy of all praise.

…in the baptism and the Lord’s supper as symbolic acts of obedience. Baptism of believers who have themselves chosen to believe in Christ is by immersion in water. The Lord’s supper which is the bread, and the fruit of the vine, is partaken by believers in remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection.

…in the return of Christ who will judge all men in righteousness. This world will end. The unrighteous will spend eternity in separation from God in Hell and the righteous will spend eternity in Heaven with God.